Chronological age
Emotional, physical, and social development
Scholastic achievement as determined by:
Standard achievement test scores
Teacher observation of the ability to reason and to express themselves logically
Teacher evaluation of academic progress
Prior school performance and academic records.
Grade placement may be reevaluated on the basis of the student’s performance and testing. Grade placement changes are made only with approval from the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist’s Office of Education.
Joshua Adventist Multigrade School is a part of the Texas Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Education System. The Texas Conference Office of Education schools are fully accredited by the Accrediting Association of Seventh-day Adventist Schools, College, and Universities, which is a recognized member ofthe National Council for Private school Accreditation, as well as the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission and the Texas Education Agency.
The Joshua Adventist Multi-grade School is a Pre-K – 8th grade elementary school, admitting students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school. It does not discriminate of the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies.
The school is operated especially for the youth of the Seventh-day Adventist faith who come for the purpose of doing earnest, faithful work and who desire help in the development of a true Christian character. Other students of good character and passing academic level may be admitted by the School Board. A reverent and respectful attitude during is required of all students.
Make formal application by submitting an Application for Admission. Applications will be reviewed by the JAMS Board.
Registration fees must be paid in full at the time of registration. Any remaining unpaid balances from prior years must be paid in full or satisfactory arrangements made with the Board.
Immunization records, birth certificates and Social Security cards must be provided at the time of registration.
Submit at time of registration a request for all previous elementary records. New students should include a copy of their last report card.
Complete all necessary forms required at registration.
Pre-K students must be four years of age by September 1.
Kindergarten students must be five years of age by September 1.
First grade students must be six years of age by September 1.
Although we are in a new facility, we are still required to have and maintain an asbestos plan. We have received verification from the builder that to the best of their knowledge, no materials or products were used in the construction of the building that contained asbestos.
Attendance Regulations
Attendance at school is critical to the success of the student. Lectures, discussions, and activities are carefully planned by the teacher to enhance lessons and book work. These are the things that help school “click” for a student. Some work can be made up, but the student may be unable to recover all that was lost in a particular school day when he or she is absent.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each school day. Students should be in their classrooms and seated by 8:00 am or they will be marked tardy. Students not in attendance by 8:15 am will be counted absent. Afternoon attendance will be taken at 12:00 pm. If your student is absent, excused or unexcused, a phone call to the school should be made before 8:30 am the morning of the absence.
Student attends school for all days of the established school calendar
Student appears in class on time, prepared for academic endeavor
Students must participate in his/her P.E. class unless he/she has a doctor’s note stating otherwise.
Student contacts teachers immediately upon return from absences to arrange to complete all makeup work assigned and to establish when this makeup work is due. Work may be required to be completed and submitted in advance of a planned absence at the discretion of the teacher.
Excused absences only include illness of the student, attendance at a funeral, court appointments, and unavoidable doctor’s appointments. Permission should be arranged before commitments are made and plane tickets are purchased. Failure to make advanced arrangements for other than emergency situations may result in a penalty applied to the attendance grade even if the absence is excused.
An approved excuse for an absence does not relieve the student of the duty of meeting the teachers’ requirements for the schoolwork missed. Routine dental or medical treatment should be arranged outside of school hours. Students should not be kept from school for shopping trips, etc., or other family business. Vacations and family outings are unexcused absences; please try to plan these events during school breaks. A parent may be asked to meet with staff if absences become excessive. Parents may not excuse absences or tardies that occur after the student has arrived on the campus.
Classes missed during authorized school trips such as field trips, promotional trips, or other trips planned by the school staff and sanctioned by the administration are considered excused absences. These trips do not affect the perfect attendance grade. It is the responsibility of the staff member in charge of the group to make certain that all students in the organization have proper clearance with the school administration and to have on the trip the Consent for Medical Treatment forms for emergency purposes.
Any student electing to miss a performance responsibility from a performance group of which he or she is a member without approval of the Administration will receive an unexcused absence from that performance group and will automatically receive a drop of a letter grade.
Students sent from class for disciplinary reasons will be given an unexcused absence. Grades largely based on participation and cooperation may also be affected.
Attendance Grades
3 Unexcused tardies = 1 unexcused absence
Unexcused absence = 1 unexcused absence per day or part of day
A tardy becomes an absence fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled time for class to begin.
Grade Points (UA= Unexcused Absence)
Reapplication procedures include filling out a new application, writing a Letter of Intent, and paying a $50 reapplication fee. Students will not be allowed to return to class until this process is complete. If re-accepted, the student will be put on attendance probation with an attendance contract. An F in attendance will remain on the report card even after the student has re-registered for school. Accumulation of further absences resulting in a second F within the same quarter, will be grounds for dismissal. Students may apply to return to Joshua Adventist Multi-grade School after a minimum of 7 weeks of success at another school, but not before the start of a new quarter. (Official attendance records cannot be changed but attendance grades can change.)
Recognizing that students are to be molded, fashioned and disciplined for GOD, our staff uses classroom management techniques which are kind, yet firm. We use a positive approach to assertive discipline, allowing students to accept responsibility for their actions.
Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 a.m., and they must be picked up no later than 15 minutes after the day ends.
If a students is to be picked up by someone other than the legal parent / guardian, written permission must be on file in the school office and they must be prepared to show picture ID.
Students are expected to present themselves for admission to a Texas Conference School with their financial obligations clear from the previous school they attended.
They pay off their balances before enrolling in the new school, or:
The Texas Conference School accepting a student and allowing them to enroll, while owing a balance at the previous Texas Conference School, shall pay the old account and add the total expenses to the current account, or make other arrangements for handling the account which is acceptable to both schools and the parents.
Before a student is enrolled, all unpaid balances from prior years must be paid. The parent or guardian must accept financial responsibility by signing the financial agreement of the application form.
Written request that is signed by at least one parent or legal guardian and physician. This request should be made on the appropriate form supplied by the school or on a form supplied by the physician.
Medications must be in the original, properly labeled containers. Parents should send only the amount of medication needed for one week. Medication sent in baggies or unlabeled containers will not be administered. Empty medication containers will be returned to the students at the end of the week
All medication must be given to the student’s teacher and will be kept in a secure location.
Medication will be dispensed by the student’s teacher, at the proper times and documented in the student’s file.
JAMS CAN NOT LEGALLY PROVIDE ANY over-the-counter medication (such as aspirin, cold and cough medicines, etc.) for student use. There are no provisions for giving medication other than those stated above.
Joshua Adventist Multigrade School admits students of any race to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at its schools, and makes no discrimination on the basis or race, color, ethnic background, country of origin, or gender in the administration of education policies, applications for admission, scholarship or loan programs and extracurricular programs.
Any regulations voted by the JAMS board, when publicly announced, will have the same authority as those appearing in this handbook.
Joshua Adventist Multi-grade School has incorporated the philosophy of “Coordinated Dress Code.” God’s world is one of unity and organization. Having a coordinated dress code for our students shows love and organization in us, His children. All attire must be within SDA Christian standards. Clothing must not have any words or advertisements or pictures.
Navy, black or khaki slacks or knee-length short. (No denim)
Black pants with white Oxford-style shirts for choir (No denim)
Polo shirt - Logo shirt for all Field Trips
No hip-hugger pants
No hats, except on the playground
Navy, black or khaki slacks, shorts, skirts, skorts or jumpers (No denim)
Black pants or skirt for choir (No denim)
White Oxford-style shirt for choir
Polo shirts - Logo shirt for all Field Trips
Skirts, shorts, skorts, and jumpers must finger-tip length when arms & hands are fully extended
Dress code for P.E. is gym shorts and t-shirts with tennis shoes.
Neatness and modesty is expected in both dressing and grooming. The use of obvious makeup and nail polish on fingers and toes is unacceptable. Hair is to be kept neat and clean. No obvious hair coloring will be accepted. Students should not wear rings, necklaces, bracelets (including ID or friendship), chains or similar jewelry. Any non-jewelry item worn as jewelry is not allowed. Medical ID’s may be worn. Tattoos, temporary or permanent, are not allowed.
Closed-toed shoes must be worn for school. Tennis shoes must be brought for P.E. and recess.
Students will not be called out of class to take phone calls. The phone is for school business only. Messages for students will be delivered to the students. Students will not be granted permission to use the phone to make arrangements to go home with another student. Such arrangements should be made in advance. Cell phones must be turned off and placed in the student’s backpack or locker at all times during the school day.
Registration Fees are due at time of registration.
Registration charges
Textbook rental
Accident insurance
Library fees
The Texas Conference Board of Education policy states that schools shall not release official school records unless the student’s account has been paid in full.
The school year has four quarters. Report cards will be given at the end of each quarter. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first and third quarters. Parental attendance at these conferences are an important part of the student evaluation process.
See that the child is at school every day, arriving on time.
Pick the child up promptly after school dismissal each day.
Pay all tuition fees on time.
Attend the Home & School meetings.
Dress your child in keeping with the school dress code as outlined, and in keeping with the weather.
Carefully guard as to the type of TV programs watched by your child.
Parent involvement is expected and appreciated.
Speak positively about the school and its faculty to your students.
At JAMS we begin the day with morning worship, a very important part of our daily program. Character development involves learning and practicing punctuality. Habitual tardiness will be referred to the school board for study.
Remain at school unless the principal approves leaving the school grounds.
Respect the Bible as the inspired Word of God.
Behave in a Christ-like manner towards your fellow students and teachers.
- Be helpful and cooperative.
- Do not use bad language.
- Care for all school properties as belonging to God and His church.
- All eating must be confined to assigned area.
- No gum chewing on school premises unless approved by your teacher.
- Students are not allowed to bring these items onto the school premises: radios, cassette players, CD players, personal gaming devices, pagers, beepers, electronic games, motorcycles, mini bikes, knives, skateboards and unapproved toys not complying with the Christian standards. Electronic devices and phones are to be turned off and put away when the student enters the premises.
Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Holidays observed may include the following:
Labor Day
Thanksgiving (longer holiday vacation)
Christmas (longer holiday vacation)
- New Years
- Martin Luther King Day*
- President’s Day*
- Memorial Day (when in session)
- March will include a week-long Spring Break
- *may be used as bad weather day makeup
In case of severe weather, the administration will take into consideration the snow day/delayed start decisions of the surrounding public school districts in making decisions about JAMS snow days and delayed starts. The final decision will fall with the administration and will be sent out by e-mail and text message.
Textbooks are furnished for all grades. A user’s fee is included in the registration fees. Reimbursement is required for all lost or damaged books.
Tuition is to be paid in ten (10) equal payments beginning August 1st and continue on a monthly basis through May. August tuition to be paid no later than the first day of school. JAMS will bill to one address only.
Discount of $5.00 per family if account is paid in full by the 5th of the month.
No discount for part-time pre-K students
No discount for accounts getting student aid
- No discount for home-schooled students (music)
- At this time, Joshua Adventist Multi-grade School is not offering family discounts for multiple children attending from the same family.
To request financial assistance, fill out “student aid” application and “request form” in full, sign, and return by due date.
Account must be kept current and paid in full.
No financial aid for Pre-k students.
Families receiving financial aid from the Joshua SDA Church are expected to make Joshua church their home and give support through their attendance, tithe and offerings or the assistance may cease. Should the Lord bless them with a change in their finances making financial aid unnecessary, they should notify the School Board Chairman.
- No more than 50% financial aid is given to any family from the church’s student aid fund.
- Student aid may be stopped if the student becomes a disciplinary problem.
- Student aid may be withheld until family share is paid.
Outstanding Accounts: JAMS policy is that should a family get sixty (60) days behind, then they need to make written arrangements for paying the account, get caught up, or withdraw the student/s.
All tuition accounts are due no later than the 5th of the month.
First instance: $10.00 + processing fee
Second instance: $20.00 + processing fee
- Third instance: $30.00 + processing fee
- After the third NSF check, cash, cashier’s check or money order will be required.
Visitors are welcome, but we encourage you to arrange with the school in advance of the visitation so that the visiting time is appropriate. We would hate for a visitor to arrive and find us gone on a field trip or testing in progress. No student should bring school age friends to school without permission form the teacher. Permission must be received the day before the visit. The education of our students is our first priority, so we want the visits to be at an appropriate time. Students’ guests must observe school regulations and dress policies. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring student’s family to make sure that this is addressed with the visitor before they arrive.
We love ALL children, but preschool age children are a distraction to our students and provisions for them to be a visitor is imperative. It would be best if provisions could be made for their care elsewhere during school hours. The quiet atmosphere needed for learning is very important for the success of our students.
The success of JAMS depends, in a large measure, upon the fullest cooperation between parents, teachers, and students. When a parent is concerned about an issue in the classroom we urge them to talk to the teacher involved, then, if necessary, in the following order: the administration, the School Board, and finally, the Texas Conference Office of Education. By working together, parents, teachers and students can avoid and resolve problems.